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Search by City

To search by City is a convenient tool and first step map overview of a particular area and very helpful.  So once you click on a City, it will be important to add criteria to your search as a second step.  Examples: price point, bedrooms, bathrooms, property type are quick tabs that you see immediately above map.  To refine search even further, see tab 'Revise Search' right side of page to add square footage, parking, year built, lot size, levels and even subdivisions, etc...  Enjoy!

Welcome to our website

Here you will find a wide variety of useful information and resources designed to help you buy or sell a home more effectively.  From information on the local community, to advice about finding a mortgage or preparing your home to sell, it's all available here on our site. You can search for your ideal home by viewing current listings with detailed descriptions and photos. You can also get help determining the value of your home by requesting a report that provides you with the active, pending and closed properties in your area.

Take advantage of our experience as local market experts to help you make the most informed decisions possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us right away to get started with the sale or purchase of a home.  We are looking forward to helping you with all of your real estate needs.
Results That 'Move' You... Experience The Difference
Our priorities are simple - They're yours...

Bob Castellini

Bob: 602-577-7383
Fax: 602-218-4500